Soumen Chattopadhyay, M.Sc., Ph.D.



Phone: +91 3482 253962/63/64 (Off) Ext:239

Mobile: +91 9477454034






Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Ph.D. Thesis:

Studies on polyamines in relation to source and sink organ senescence in plants

Areas of Interest: 

Biochemical and molecular characterization of evolved and biotic stress responsive lines of mulberry. 



   Total              : 38

   First Author  : 26


 Best Ten:

S Chattopadhyay, SG Doss, S Halder, A K Ali and AK Bajpai (2011) Comparative micropropagation efficiency of diploid and triploid mulberry (Morus alba cv. S1) from axillary bud explants. African Journal of Biotechnology (Academic Journal; Impact factor (IF): 0.60)10: 18153-18159.  

S. Chattopadhyay, A Tikader and NK Das (2011) Nondestructive, simple, and accurate model for estimation of the individual leaf area of som (Persea bombycina). Photosynthetica  (Springer; IF: 1.1) 49: 627-632.

S Chattopadhyay, K A Ali1, S. G Doss, N K Das, R K Aggarwal,T K Bandopadhyay, A Sarkar and AK Bajpai (2011) Association of leaf micro-morphological characters with powdery mildew resistance in field-grown mulberry (Morus spp.) germplasm AoB PLANTS  plr002 doi:10.1093/ aobpla/ plr002; open access.

S Chattopadhyay, K A Ali1, S. G Doss, N K Das, R K Aggarwal,T K Bandopadhyay, A Sarkar and AK Bajpai (2010) Evaluation of mulberry germplasm for resistanceto powdery mildew in the field and greenhouse. Journal of General Plant Pathology (Springer; IF 0.70)76:87–93.

S Chattopadhyay, Krishnan N, Maji MD ( 2006) Peroxidase activity during leaf infection of mulberry (Morus alba L) with brown leaf spot fungus Myrothecium roridum. International Journal of Industrial Entomology (non-IF) 12: 21-28.

K Lahiri, S Chattopadhyay, Ghosh B (2004) Correlation of endogenous free polyamine levels with root nodule senescence in different genotypes in Vigna mungo L. Journal of Plant Physiology (Elsevier; IF 2.7) 161: 563 – 571.

S Chattopadhyay, Das C, Sengupta T, Ghosh JK, Das KK, Sen SK, Pavankumar T (1996) Evaluation of leaf gas exchange parameters of five Chinese germplasms in Indian tropical conditions. Sericologia ( CSI,France; non-IF) 36: 723 – 726.

S Chattopadhyay, Ghosh B (1990) Effect of spermine on chloroplastic metal ion efflux of source and sink organs. Phytochemistry (Elsevier; IF 3.2) 29: 45 – 48.

S. Chattopadhyay, Maitra N, Ghosh B, Sen SP (1988) Effect of polyamines on photosyn- thesis of source and sink organs in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Plant Cell Physiology (Oxford; IF 4.3) 29: 1207 – 1213.

Chattopadhyay S, Lahiri L, Ghosh B (2002) Changes in free polyamines and related enzymes during stipule and pod wall development in Pisum sativum. Indian Journal Experimental Biology (NISCAIR), IF 0.70) 40: 945 – 949.